Integrity is doing the right thing, regardless of the outcome. That's how I view it anyway. It is not always easy to do that. Often, we are worried about how others might view us or if they will “like” us. To make it a clearer choice for myself…I usually think about… if I will like myself if I do not do the right thing. Then, my path or “choice” becomes clearer. At the end of the day, the only thing each of us owns free and clear is ourselves, mind and body. Integrity is ours when we do the right thing for others…and ourselves.

Recently, it was mentioned by a family member that my “choices” many years ago affected them negatively. That both surprised and saddened me at the same time. We were going through a period of great change in our immediate lives then and maybe it required that I focus on my own issues and healing in additon to theirs. I reasoned that unless I was “healthy” in mind, body, and spirit…I would be of no use to them. So, in order to do that…I became “self-centered.” I didn’t see it that way, but they did. I believed in my heart that I was doing “the right thing” for them.... as well as myself.

That’s when the light went on! Each of us feels tested and challenged, some more so than others by mere personality. We recover in the best and only way we know how, at the time. Is it always the best for the other people in our lives? Maybe not. However, we do the best that we can with what hand we have been dealt. While I was busy being proud of myself for my own personal accomplishments of not ‘falling apart’ at this new test in Life …they saw my actions as negative. While I was trying my best to keep it “all together,” for others more than myself, they saw my actions as "inappropriate."

And then, last night as I was falling asleep…Eureka! At that time, I really believed in my heart and soul that I was doing the best I could in that given situation and with Integrity. But my personal definition of Integrity, and doing the “right thing” may not be someone else’s definition. Is there a right way and is there a wrong way of dealing with things in our lives that are difficult? What I realized…in a moment of clarity…was that our personal "right way” of doing something maybe someone else’s “wrong way” of handling the same trial or test.

With that said: We must do the best we can, each time, and always do it with purity of heart. But, brace yourself…sometimes, it may not be viewed as we would like. Keep the destination in sight. I have to believe it is all seen from above by God. I personally don’t believed that: “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions,” as the cliche goes. Good intentions… are always good, even if they fail. If you tried your hardest… then regardless of the outcome, you did it with Integrity.

April is National Child Abuse Month; The Great Equalizer...CHILD ABUSE!

Abuse does not discriminate by gender, age, religion, ethnicity, or social status. Indeed, it really is the one time that: ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL.

It can be delivered to the offended by sexual, physical, emotional, or verbal abuse. Each and every one of these types of abuse is equally as damaging to our self-esteem, our souls, or our physical being...if we let it prevail. Whether we are being abused now or have been abused in the past, it in no way defines either who we are... or who we are able to become. We are what we choose for ourselves; we are not defined by what has been said or done to us!

The road is wide open, but it is up to us to take the first step. The abuser can not love themselves, therefore they are unable (or unwilling) to love us. It is never because we are unworthy of being loved. But do we love ourselves? Today, is a good day to start. Be a person that is admired by being a person who values his/her own self-worth.

May blessings and strength find you.


 April is National Child Abuse Month; The Great Equalizer... CHILD ABUSE! Abuse does not discriminate by gender, age, religion, ethnicity, o...