Sadly, dishonesty is everywhere… in all cultures, countries, and religions.  Lack of honesty is for many different reasons, unfortunately,  most dishonesty is for personal gain. The gain is either monetary or per recognition.

There are doctors who not only malpractice but in addition file unjust insurance claims, lawyers who think they have to be dishonest (misrepresent) to win cases, and similarly, there is an overabundant amount of dishonesty in the business world!  However, one of the worst forms of dishonesty is with those with that we interact daily.

It appears that we are afraid to speak up or address a particular wrong that we see or are part of ourselves. Who does this help?  Not the offender as the negative behavior will continue unless addressed. Often in my writings, I call this Integrity.  Integrity is addressing a wrong (or in most cases) doing the right thing… regardless of the outcome.  It is not always an easy choice but must be done if we are to make the World a better place for others. It is a daily struggle.

The interesting thing in this is that others might have another perception, another meter to judge on just what is honest and what is dishonest. And sometimes it is not easy to say that they were wrong.  A lawyer friend once said to me, “We lawyers are there to bend the truth so that it can fit into the law.”  Yes, he was being glib.  But, for some people, this is dishonesty, for a lawyer… this might be honest work.

And of course, the most difficult thing to be honest about… is feelings. Why? As humans, we have problems with both telling the truth and accepting it too. Sometimes, we are so close to it… that it’s difficult to see.  And then, there is always that personal agenda.

The truth is right and will always be right; there is no reason to be ashamed or afraid of the truth.

The Inner Peace that Comes with Understanding, Acceptance, and Life Lessons

 Over the years, I have tried to either lose or correct my own shortcomings.  It is a work in progress.  Still! However, each time I am disappointed, scared, or worried... I revert back to old habits.  WHY?  I recently realized it is because I think (believe) that others are responsible, (and sometimes affecting) the WHO, WHAT, and WHY of my existence.  Age has brought me to a new place.  I share it with all.  Each day that I am on this Earth I have learned a new lesson and for that, I am so grateful.

It is so easy in life to forget that we are responsible for our own success, happiness, and inner peace. 

It is often easier to blame others than to own up to our personal failures. Many people I speak with have difficulty in this area. It is always someone else's fault that they didn't get the promotion. It is because of a difficult childhood (past or present) that they are unhappy or not accomplishing what God put them on Earth to accomplish. Or...the most powerful to overcome is a lack of inner peace. Often, this lack consumes all energies and thought. "Why can't I be happy?" The answer is rather straightforward and so simple that it might elude us at first. 

We give happiness to ourselves by accepting equal amounts of credit for a job well done and at the same time, owning up to human errors in judgment and personal failure. 
It is not necessary to be perfect, but what is necessary is to step up to the plate and accept responsibility for our actions and place in life. If we are not happy where we are in life, who we have become, and what we are doing...we need to change...not the world around us.

Be proactive in these areas and success, happiness, and inner peace will follow.


 April is National Child Abuse Month; The Great Equalizer... CHILD ABUSE! Abuse does not discriminate by gender, age, religion, ethnicity, o...